Monday 29 December 2014

The broadcasting center

The breakdown of traffic between the various market segments shows distinct patterns of consumption together. Thus, the percentage of international calls traffic prepaid segment is significantly higher than the other segments.

For its part, the business segment which was concentrated a greater proportion of calls made to fixed recharge api networks. With regard to premium rate services in 2012 was billed a total of 268 million euros. This figure is 8% lower than the previous year.

To summarize, the following chart shows the weight in both revenue and traffic, different premium rate services. As you can see, the service with more revenue and traffic was based on the numbering 902, fully paid by the user originating the call;

The following services revenues were volume recharge api corresponding to the numbering 803, 806 and 807. These numbers integrate various services such as leisure and entertainment or exclusively for adults. These were followed by the 905 numbering services for the management of massive calls.

The following in importance in the volume of income is based on the numbering 901, whose main characteristic is shared between the individual who makes the call and the person receiving payment.

The services provided to the numbering 900-800 remain in last place on the total volume of income, because they are free to end customers. However, your traffic constituted 31.8% of the total. The recharge api distribution of traffic from different mobile operators significantly different.

Thus, the voice traffic generated by operators with greater market share as and, ended mostly in the same mobile network. By contrast, the traffic generated by operators with lower market share as its main destination outside a telecommunications network.

This result is logical, since, the higher the market share of an operator, the greater the probability that one of his clients to communicate with another client for recharge api the same company. On the other hand, it should also highlight the relevant weight had calls with international destination within the total traffic of OMV.

Large extent, this phenomenon is due to the existence of numerous specialized MVNO services such as, Mobile, Happy Hits Mobile or Mobile among others. As was the case in previous years, the traffic of short messages (SMS and MMS) recorded a notable drop. Specifically, in 2012, traffic between subscribers SMS-excluding SMS added- value decreased by 24.9%.

The downward trend seen in recent years is well recharge api accentuated. The volume of SMS messages was 5.459 million shipments in 2012, while for the MMS was much lower, at only 94.1 million.

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