Monday 29 December 2014

Distrubuted all services in one place

Market Shares The following chart shows the market shares they hold different operators in relation to the total number of lines in recharge api provider mobile broadband, both for voice and data devices (mobile phones) and the exclusive line's data (USB modems).

First, the Internet service through voice and data lines has a lower level of mobile concentration. In this regard, operators recently joined OMV and reached 18.8% of mobile broadband lines. Second, the Internet service through exclusive data lines was led by, with the largest market share (37.3%), followed by. Also, significant was the market share of (6.8%).

The high present of these on the mobile Internet service is because some of them have focused their activities in this business segment to offer recharge api provider complementary services to Internet access via fixed networks.

As an example, Ono said in December that its volume of lines associated with data cards or USB modems was practically the same as that of its fleet of mobile phones. Source: CMT 40 35 30 25 20 15 105 Market Shares by active lines in 2012 (%) voice and data lines.

Orange the wholesale mobile phone market consists of recharge api provider several services that aim to allow third party access to a mobile communications network and interconnect all networks whether fixed or mobile.

The most relevant interconnection services are: the national and international termination -that say services that allow end a mobile communication originated in a network other than the destination, domestic or foreign, respectively; international roaming service which allows.

Users to use mobile services in countries not living through access to a national network even though your home operator does not have infrastructure in the country; and finally, service access and origination used by operators who do not have their own infrastructure. The revenues from wholesale services decreased 17.4%.

However, total traffic grew 21.2%. This growth is mainly due to recharge api provider the increase has been experiencing in recent years related traffic service access to mobile networks by OMV. Revenues Total revenues of the wholesale market totaled 2,019.5 million euros, which, as stated, a decrease of 17.4% compared to 2011.

The 2012 was the sixth consecutive year in which is recorded a fall in turnover. In absolute terms, and with reference to wholesale revenues in 2006, revenues from 2012 represent a reduction of 52.3%.

The national mobile termination service wholesale service volume- recorded a decline in revenues of 23% over the previous year. The main cause of this decline recharge api provider is regulation with falling prices over time of call termination service. Price of this service has increased from 4.59 cents per minute in 2011 to 3.58 in 2012, representing a decrease of 22%.

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